Thank you for visiting my website and learning more about me and my business management book(s). I am truly one of the happiest people I know. I have been blessed with an amazing family that has been the centerpiece of my entire life, along with a wonderful set of experiences that have included the things I love to do, such as travel, golfing, skiing, mountain biking, backpacking, fly fishing, and oh yeah….a great professional career.
As you read in the “About” section, I have retired from two amazing careers. However, I am a person with way too much energy and a lust for learning to actually “retire”. So, I am embarking on a third career as an author so I can, in my own way, give back to the business world. Through my books, I intend to share the lessons I have learned from so many clients….so many projects…..so many successes….and yes, a few (very few) failures, with executives and aspiring executives to help them, and hopefully you, become more successful. Let me share a few more aspects and highlights of “My Story” below.
My Story
My first career was 30 years as a management consultant. Yes, I was one of those high-priced guys who borrows your watch and then tells you what time it is, and then of course sends you a bill!
During the first two decades of my consulting career, I had the opportunity to work for three great global firms. Working for these firms, I was exposed to multiple industries and virtually every level within these organizations, as I would say “from the receiving dock to the board room”. In addition, I was lucky to work with countless consulting colleagues who were, for the most part, smart and driven men, and women.
When I turned 40, I believed I had the right level of experience and confidence to start and run my own firm. I put a business plan together, walked into work one day and quit. Not a fun meeting. Over the next decade, I grew my business successfully and we became recognized as the leading consulting firm in our area of specialization in the U.S. retail industry. We were always a small “boutique” consulting firm, but we had an amazing team of women and men who were truly experts in their fields. I don’t think it’s appropriate to share the names of my company’s clients, but they included some of the largest retailers in the U.S., Europe and Africa.
During a trade show in New York, I was approached by a British software and technology company that was interested in buying my firm. Acquiring my firm was a key part of their strategy to launch their software solutions into the U.S. retail market. I sold my company, stayed on for two years to help with the international transition, then “retired” from the business world.
After an amazing consulting career, I had the most wonderful second career opportunity that any successful businessperson should consider. I became a college professor and worked in the classroom with incredible young adults for seven years. Over these seven years I had the privilege of teaching my “kids” not only the fundamentals of strategy, management, and entrepreneurship, but also my real-world experiences, successes, and screw-ups. It was an amazing seven years, and most certainly the highlight of my professional career.
Teaching is not only a great way to give back to the next generation of business executives, but it gives you time to think! Think about all those clients, and all those projects. And yes, think about the book(s) you want to write.
​So now, I am beginning my third career as an author. When you’re running a consulting firm, your days are focused on client management, filling the sales pipeline, hiring and working with your team, and trying to keep one step ahead of competitors….there is no time for reflecting on what you’ve learned. But when you’re in the classroom, working with incredible young adults, and teaching them important business subjects, and telling those amazing stories, well….then you have the time to reflect on what you’ve learned and, yes, think about the books I want to write”.
I am determined to write business management books that are about critically important and serious topics, but in a fast-paced and lighthearted style. My goal is to help you be more successful in your career, help your organization to be more successful and competitive, and do this without boring you!
I earned my bachelor's degree from Virginia Tech in 1977….Go Hokies!
I earned my MBA from Texas Tech University in 1979….Go Red Raiders!
​I was born in 1955 into a military family. I lived all over the country but call Virginia home.
I have a wonderful family that has been the centerpiece of my life.
I am a (bad) golfer, mountain biker, skier, and fly fisherman. I used to backpack a lot, but I’m just too old to sleep in those little bitty tents anymore.
I love to travel, read, cook, and spend time with friends and family.
Life is good.