Royal Dragonfly Book Award-WINNER!
Smell the Bacon, Charlie!
A CEO's Guide to Implementing Organizational Change
AVAILABLE NOW!! Robert Haworth brings his thirty years of experience as a management consultant, entrepreneur, CEO, and college professor into a content-rich, humorous, and easy-to-read book on a topic that all business executives (or aspiring executives) should read on how to successfully implement organizational change."
Robert Haworth has been a successful consultant, entrepreneur, CEO, and college professor, and is now embarking on his third career as a successful author of business management books.
Robert’s first career encompassed three decades in the business world. After earning his MBA, he worked for several large, global consulting firms before starting his own company and successfully growing it to national prominence. Throughout this successful business career, Robert worked with large, complex clients on major organizational change initiatives. These projects included strategic planning, and the design and implementation of new technologies, business processes and business model re-alignments. During this three-decade consulting career Robert has been inside more companies than he can remember. (This has nothing to do with memory loss, really.) Within these clients, he worked at every level and with all types of people, as he will say, “from the receiving dock to the board room.”
After selling his company to a British firm, he embarked on his second career as a college professor. He taught the topics that he is passionate about and what he did in the real world, including business management, strategic planning, and entrepreneurship. Robert will tell you that, though he loved his consulting “gig,” being in the classroom with his students from all over the world was the highlight of his career. His students must have thought the same because the business school senior class voted Robert their favorite professor year after year.
Now, Robert is beginning his third career as an author. As he will tell you: “When you’re running a consulting firm, your days are focused on client management, filling the sales pipeline, hiring and working with your team, and trying to keep one step ahead of competitors. There is no time for reflecting on what you’ve learned. But when you’re in the classroom working with incredible young adults and teaching them important business subjects and telling those amazing stories, well, then you have the time to reflect on what you’ve learned and, yes, think about the books you want to write.”
Robert’s real world experience coupled with his casual, direct conversational writing style makes for an intriguing and informative read. You find yourself sitting at Charlie’s desk looking at each scenario.
Although a quick read, this books covers a comprehensive detailed account on how to plan and setup for organizational change. It helps prepare any CEO for the pitfalls and challenges that are likely to be faced and how to navigate through them. It is a rare book that makes you excited about organizational change and has you looking forward to seeing the outcome of the process.
I love the infusion of the writer’s sense of humor to keep what can be a dry subject fun and interactive. The illustrations help bring a visual to the author’s words and his road map to change. The stories show excellent examples of challenges others have faced.
The bacon and eggs joke is an instant classic. I will be using this one.
I very much look forward to the upcoming books in this series.
Bob, I loved the book. Your recommendations are spot on and use real world examples that folks can relate to.
In “Smell the Bacon, Charlie!” you state: "The CEO is the single most important person in moving an organization through change" I couldn't agree more. Looking back on the many travel management transitions I was involved in, I can say with certainty that implementations that had the CEO (or CFO) driving the process were the easiest and most effective that we managed.
If I had your book (during those transitions), I could have said: "Here, check this out - it thoroughly supports our recommendations." But, no, we had to suffer through some very difficult - and sometimes unsuccessful implementations where our programs could never really have the impact we should have delivered to the organization. The company did not follow the steps or recommendations, Charlie!!
It sounds like you are making good progress on Book #2. Hope you and Charlie are getting along.
Royal Dragonfly Book Award-WINNER!
Smell the Bacon, Charlie!
This book addresses serious organizational change topics in a light-hearted and faced-paced style. As Robert states: “My goal is to write impactful, but easy-to-read business books, that an executive can finish in its entirety and take pages of notes to share with their organization, in the time it takes to board a plane in New York and land in San Francisco.”